
Mark 10:17-31

MARK 10:17-31

    1. Young Rich Man’s Entrance (17)
      1. hurried
      2. humble
      3. recognition of Jesus
    2. Age-Old Question (17)
      1. religious nature
      2. troubled young man
    3. Jesus’ Response (18-19)
      1. question to a question
      2. pointing to the only One who is good
      3. going to Moses/Law/Table 2
    4. young rich man’s response (20)
      1. real love; real truth (21)
      2. one thing lacking
    5. Young Rich Man’s Exit (22)
      1. 2 Possible meanings
        1. saddened
        2. shocked / appalled
      2. no rebuttal or response
        1. temporary wealth before eternal riches
        2. cannot serve both God and money
  2. A TEACHING MOMENT (23-31)
    1. 4 Difficult Statements (23-27)
      1. the dangers of wealth (23)
      2. difficult to enter (24)
      3. illustration (25)
      4. A better question (26)
  3. MAIN POINT (27)
    1. Response of Peter (28)
    2. Response of Jesus (29-31)
      1. temporary costs (29)
      2. temporary riches (30)
      3. purpose & focus (29)
      4. God’s Economy (31)
    1. Entrapment of Wealth
    2. Truly Loving Others Means Caring for the Well-Being of their Souls
    3. Salvation is Only Possible with God