We think Church Membership is a big deal, and we’d love you to join our family.

By Joining a church you make a visible commitment to Christ and His people. In our overly independent and low-commitment culture making a public commitment makes a powerful statement about who (God) and what (the Church) we value. Church membership also keeps us accountable and helps our pastor and elders be more faithful shepherds. Membership matters more than most people think.

With this said, there are requirements to become a member of SonRise Community Church. You must be a Christian, you must have been baptized as a believer or as an infant in an evangelical reformed congregation, you must take our new members class, you must agree with our statement of faith, and you must be interviewed by one of our elders. This membership process isn’t meant to be a prolonged interrogation but a gracious process informing us of who you are and you of who we are.

To find out more about this please contact Pastor Andrew (ajaenichen@sonrisecc.com).