Genesis 48: The Blessing on Joseph

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. I. The Plan (v1-7) A. The Setting: Jacob is close to death Genesis 48:1 ESV After this, Joseph was told, “Behold, your father is ill.” So…

Genesis 47 – Settling & Surviving in Egypt

Today I want to make one point: “A person who has seen the beauty of Christ, tasted His goodness, and has come to the end of themselves and found new life in Christ…then becomes something new and altogether different. No longer will this person only seek to take care of what is theirs, no. This…

Genesis 46 – Into Egypt

There are tons of great father son moments in movies. We could speak of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where both he and his father Henry play a large role. Or Finding Nemo where Marlen finally finds and reconnects with Nemo and learns to let go. Or The Lion King and the heartwarming tale…

Genesis 45 – It Is Enough

Today we arrive at Genesis 45. This is something of a milestone for us as a church. We have now walked through almost all of the book of Genesis together, and here at chapter 45 we arrive at the crescendo. The great moment in the divine symphony that is this book where the melody reaches…

Genesis 44 – Joseph’s Masterstroke

Transformation… …is a popular word, a good word, a word describing a kind of improvement of the soul that many seek after. Many chase after various kinds of transformation in the world today. Whether it’s transformation in physical health through rigorous exercise or diet, transformation in mental health through therapy or counseling, transformation in family life through learning and applying the…

Easter – Psalm 22:22-31 – The Triumph of Christ

Today is a day unlike any other. Today is the whole reason why there is a Christian Church in the world today, and today is the only reason why we Christians can have hope in a world where sin abounds within us and around us. Today is Easter, Resurrection Sunday, and that means rejoicing is…

Good Friday – Psalm 22:1-21 – The Trouble of Christ

It is true to say that few were allowed to have fellowship with our Savior in the sorrows of Gethsemane. Of the 11 disciples that remained 8 were kept at a distance and only 3 were allowed to draw near. Yet even then the 3 weren’t able to truly enter into our Lord's mysterious sorrow.…

Genesis 43 – The Second Journey

Today we come to a text that is as instructive as it is understandable. For all the major players before us will experience great trouble in the present because of their past. Yet in the end, they find relief and renewed joy. So here’s my question to you as we begin today: does this story…

Genesis 41:37-57 – The Rise of Joseph, part 2

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. Life’s Journey is highly unpredictable. (From Bible College to SonRise) Through the ups and downs we see the sovereign work of God leading in the big…

Genesis 41:1-36 – The Rise of Joseph, part 1

Hudson Taylor was a missionary in China who would eventually begin the China Inland Mission, yet the road to that great organization was not all evenly paved.[1] Some of Taylor’s first years in China proved so difficult that he left and moved back home to England. He would even spend five years back there, away from…

Genesis 40 – Seemingly Forgotten

Over the past Christmas/New Year holiday our family took a trip to go see some other family. And on the way home as it was nearing dinner time Holly and I started discussing where we’d get food. Our boys overheard us talking about this and as they often do they made known their desire to…

Genesis 39 – Joseph’s Beginnings in Egypt

So we’ve been back in our main sermon series through the book of Genesis for a few weeks now. And remember we’ve begun the final section from chapter 37-50 that focuses on the sons of Jacob.[1] As this section began in chapter 37, Jacob makes it clear that Joseph is his favorite son, which of course…

Genesis 38 – Judah and Tamar

Church, I am here today to inform you of how blessed you truly are. You might agree with me when I say this for many reasons, but I want to draw your attention to one specific reason why I believe you are an especially blessed people! Not only did you get to experience and hear…

Genesis 37 – The Last Generation of Genesis

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. Opening Illustration: Love for reading: Being captivated by the adversity that transpired to make someone into a great hero This week we enter into the final…

John 13:31-35 – Gospel Culture as Fuel for Gospel Mission

Today we come to the end of our New Years series on the Church. This series has been called Gospel Culture…where we’ve pulled one single thread: how the gospel of Jesus Christ ought to shape our whole life together as a church. Allow me to briefly summarize what we’ve covered so far. In week 1 we…

1 John 1:5-7 – A True Fellowship

So we’re in the middle of a small sermon series on the church to kick off the new year, called Gospel Culture. The reason we’re doing this, is to emphasize how the gospel itself ought to shape our whole life together as a church. God has welcomed us in Christ, that’s the beauty of the gospel.…

Romans 15:1-13 – Our Unity & Gospel Culture

So we’re in this small series on the church to kick off the new year, called Gospel Culture. The reason we’re doing this, is to emphasize how the gospel ought to shape our whole life together as a church. This is a great need. While we’ve been living in a time of resurgence in reformed doctrine,…

Galatians 2:11-14 – In Step with the Gospel

It is January once again, and as is our custom each year, we now turn to a sermon series on the Church. Over the years we’ve done this in numerous ways, explaining what the Church is, who the Church is, what the Church believes, how the Church ought to function, and more. This year we’re…

Expectations – Shepherd

Today we arrive at the conclusion of our Advent series, Expectations. Remember that in this series we’ve said that all people have expectations of God, of what He will do for us and be to us. And we’ve been saying the kind of expectations we have of God really matter. Whether they’re in the realm of…

Expectations – King

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. A time of waiting: I never grew up celebrating Advent. We did Christmas sure, but the meaning and anticipation of Advent wasn’t a part of my…

Expectations – Priest

Today we’re continuing on in our Advent series, Expectations, where we’re covering the kind of expectations we should have of Jesus and how Scripture helps us greatly in bringing our expectations out of the realm of wishful thinking, or fancies of our own imagination, and back into line with what Scripture says Jesus will be and…

Expectations – Prophet

As you can see we’ve now begun the Christmas season! And with Advent upon us we’re pausing our normal sermon series through the book of Genesis, to be picked back up next year, so we can lean into the glories of Christ this Christmas. The title of this year’s Advent series is Expectations. Christmas is certainly…

Genesis 36 – A Conclusion

One of the tiring pleasures of parenting a three year old is the reality of fascinated joyful repetition. Some of you know what I mean. When you do something funny and your three year old begins laughing hysterically, and then with a big grin looks at you and says, ‘Do it again!’ Which of course…

Genesis 34 – Dinah Defiled

Growing up I always looked forward to visiting my grandparents in Sarasota, FL. It was always a fun time. One reason these trips were particularly enjoyable was that they would always take us to a restaurant called ‘The Buccaneer.’ It was one of my favorite places to go. It looked like a pirate ship, the…

Genesis 33 – A Gospel Reunion

Looking at pictures of our younger selves can be alarming and humbling for many reasons. We know this. I think one of the benefits of having Facebook is the daily memories that pop up in your notifications. I actually look forward to seeing those each day. One of them recently for me was a group…

Genesis 32 – A Chapter Begins

Remember where we’ve been. We’ve watched Jacob dupe his father Isaac and brother Esau with the help of his mother Rebekah. And we then watched him flee for his life because of Esau’s fury. That’s how Jacob left Canaan, the land of promise, in a fearful fleeing. It’s all come back full circle now, for…

Genesis 31 – A Chapter Closes

Jacob, ever since we’ve seen him introduced to us in Genesis, has been a man surrounded by tension. Tenson was there at his birth as he strove with Esau in the womb. Tension was there in between he and Esau once again at the selling of the birthright for some stew. Tension was there between…

Genesis 30:25-43 – Gospel Delight for Sinful Deceivers

[1]We all have a favorite place on the planet, somewhere that stirs our souls with its natural beauty. Perhaps for you it’s a white beach, or an alpine mountain, or something else. For me its Longboat Key Florida, on the beach, at sunset. To me, nothing quite stills the soul than a stiff sea breeze.…

Genesis 29:31-30:34 – Blessings, Battles & Babies

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. Intro: Family History Overview of how we got here: Transition: As Jacob arrives in Haran God seems to be distant, yet as we move forward in…

Genesis 29:1-30 – Laban’s Deception

All Christians are in the process of growth. And, as much as we would prefer the growth process to be a steady incline toward glory, it doesn’t happen that way. Rather, Christians grow in stages. Some stages are wonderful, where we find ourselves maturing by leaps and bounds. But in other stages we find ourselves…

Genesis 28:10-22 – Jacob’s Ladder

Moment's that change our lives and often unexpected, dramatic, and life we arrive at such a moment for Jacob. The moment I’m referring to is the famous Jacob’s Ladder moment in Genesis 28, when Jacob goes out on a journey only to be interrupted by God, who gives Jacob a dream where he sees…

Genesis 26:34-28:9 – Mess and Mercy

No one likes a mess... Yet, we’ve arrived at a moment in the book of Genesis, where feels like you’ve stumbled into a grand mess. Everywhere you turn there someone sinning. From Isaac, to Rebekah, to Jacob, and Esau. All in all, this is one messed up family, and a lot of what happens in…

Genesis 26:1-33 – Like Father, Like Son

As we now come to Genesis 26 we come to a very unique moment in the whole of Genesis. We’re now halfway through the entire book, and so far we have seen much about Adam, about Noah, and especially in the last 10-12 chapters, about Abraham. If we fast forward from chapter 27 onward we…

Genesis 25:19-34 – The Family of Isaac

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. Opening Ill: Family dynamics "Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and of family disagreements." ~ Queen…

Genesis 25:1-18 – The Death of Abraham

I like questions. I like asking questions, I like being asked questions, generally questions are a great way to learn things and to reflect on things that we have learned. But one question in particular I quite enjoy asking and being asked is the desert island question. You know the one I’m referring to right?…

Genesis 24 – Isaac & Rebekah

Genesis 24, our text for today, is a wonderful chapter because the chapter as a whole contains two large threads we can pull on. On one hand Genesis 24 is a kind of beautiful romantic tale, the kind custom made for a great movie. And on the other hand Genesis 24 is a masterful depiction…

Genesis 23 – The Death of Sarah

Whether you’re brand new to SonRise or have been around SonRise for a while, let me briefly state what we seek to accomplish in this sermon moment each week. During the preaching portion of our Sunday gathering we employ and enjoy a style of preaching called expositional preaching. Which means that the preacher, whoever it…

Genesis 22 – The Lord Will Provide

Contrary to popular belief, I was not always a good student. There is one word that still strikes fear into my soul, it’s the word…test. I remember a specific moment, in first or second grade, the time came for standardized testing, where we’d do a multiple-choice test on a scantron sheet. Remember those? I got…

Jude 5-16: Nothing New

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. Illustration: SOPsSometimes you need to be reminded of the proper way of doing things.-Jude is a book with that goalLast week we saw that his mission…

1 Corinthians 7:25-40 – Unmarried 101

‌*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. 4 weeks overview (Eph 5-6)Bringing it to a conclusion we look at the single Christian home.In America today there are more unmarried people than there are…

Ephesians 6:1-4 – Parenting 101

So we’ve been in a small sermon series these recent weeks called the Christian Home. And we’ve seen what the Christian life looks like, how the gospel fuels and fills out the Christian life. We’ve also seen what marriage looks like, and how the gospel forms the pattern in marriage, as husband and wife live…

Ephesians 5:25-33 – Marriage 101b

When it comes to sermons on marriage. like last week and today, I often find myself wondering if people come to church with certain expectations. Expectations that will by and large determine how useful you think these sermons are. What do I mean? Many of you know or have heard of the famous book Men Are…

Ephesians 5:21-24 – Marriage 101a

‌*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. Mawage is wot bwings us together today. Mawage, that blessed awangement, that dweam wifin a dweam. And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva. So tweasure…

Ephesians 5:15-21 – Cristian Living 101

It is now June, and that means summer is upon us. And with it being summer, this also means here at SonRise we change gears for a few months. We’ve spent the last many summers working our way through various Psalms and have enjoyed those seasons, but this summer we’re going to do something different.…

Genesis 21 – On Promises, Partings & Peace

Outline: I.    A  Promise Fulfilled  (Verses 1-7) A. The happy birth B. The holy God we serve II.   A  Parting of the Ways, in a Family  (Verses 8-21) A. The Actual Goodbye B. The "Allegorical" Sense (Galatians) C. The Applications  ("El Roi") III.  A  Peace, Finally Negotiated (Verses 22-34) A. The righting of a previous…

Genesis 20 – Well Worn Ruts

Well, last week in chapter 19 we were alarmed at the sins of Sodom and the sins of Lot. We were sobered by the judgment of God poured out on the wicked. And we were amazed at God’s mercy to Lot through the pleading of Abraham. Today we continue in Genesis and as we do…

Genesis 19 – Sin, Sin, and More Sin. Oh My!

I must confess the strangeness of the Sunday we’re having here. It’s Mother’s Day today and our text in view is Genesis 19, which is the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. One would not be out of bounds to ask ‘What does Mother’s Day have to do with Sodom and Gomorrah?’ To which my answer…

Genesis 18:16-33 – God is Good

Last week we began the sermon with the well know meal time prayer, because it sets before us two of the most massive and soul sustaining truths there are. So, let’s begin again today with that same prayer, “God is great, God is good. Let us thank for Him for our food. By His hands…

Genesis 18:1-15 – God is Great

“God is great, God is good. Let us thank for Him for our food. By His hands we are fed. We thank you for our daily bread. Amen.” Many Christian families have uttered these words before dinner and many will utter these words, no doubt, in countless meals to come. Though this is a simple…

Genesis 17 – The Sign & The Son

Would it surprise you to know that the average attention span of adults today is 8.25 seconds? And yet, the average sermon here at SonRise is 40-45 minutes long? Are we doing this wrong? Should we adjust our preaching to more engage modern people with their shortened capacities? Or should our sermons look more social…

Genesis 16 – The Lord Sees

‌*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. The Folly of Man (1-6) Genesis 16:1–6 Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. She had a female Egyptian servant whose name was Hagar.…

Genesis 15 – The Cutting of the Covenant

How can God be trusted? Will God come through on His promises? Whether young or old or somewhere in between, these two questions sit at the center of the soul. I’m glad you’ve come here today, not only because it’s Easter but because our text for the sermon today answers these two most pressing questions.…

Genesis 14: 17-25 – Abram Visited by Kings

We’ve been walking through these initial chapters of Genesis for several months now and today we find ourselves today in the end of Genesis 14. But before we get into our passage, recall the first part of chapter 14. There, in v1-16, we saw a battle of kings. The great king of Elam Chedorlaomer and…

Genesis 14:1-16 – Abram Rescues Lot

We’ve been walking with Abram and Sarai these past few weeks in Genesis and we’ve seen many things. We’ve seen God make great promises to Abram, and go off into a strange land God called him to. We’ve seen Abram make a fool of himself, act the coward, and endanger his wife in Egypt by…

Genesis 13 – Parting & Renewal

‌*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. Jeremiah 6:16 ESV Thus says the Lord: “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk…

Genesis 12:10-20 – Abram in Egypt

The children’s poem Casey at the Bat is no doubt a favorite of many. It begins like this. “The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville Nine that day, the score stood four to two with but one more inning to play…” fast-forwarding a bit… “Then from 5,000 throats and more there rose a lusty yell; it rumbled…

Genesis 12:1-9 – The Call of Abram

There is a popular opinion present in the Church today that too much knowledge of God, too much emphasis on theology, or too much love for doctrine will chill the soul once on fire for Christ. Of course, it’s never put as blatant as that, it usually sounds more like, ‘The gospel is enough, I…

Genesis 11:10-32 – Endings & Beginnings

Any of you had a totally life changing moment recently? Something which took place that completely changed how you live and how you view all of life? Maybe it was a conversation you had with someone. Maybe it was a decision you finally made. Or maybe it was something you saw or read that was…

Genesis 11:1-9 – The Tale of the Tower

We now come to a story most of you are familiar with. But are you really? Man tries to build a tower to heaven, God stops them, confuses their language, and spreads them out. Is that all we’re to learn here? Of course not. So let’s dive in together to see what God has for…

Genesis 10- God of the Nations

‌*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. I. The Content: ‌A. Placement (Before ch 11) -What happened (People were dispersed) So in this text we have the reality that all the people of…

Genesis 9:18-29 – New World – Same Sin

We’ve certainly covered much ground in our time in Genesis so far. We’ve seen the beauty of the beginning in Genesis 1-2 as God made all things and called everything that is into existence by His mighty Word. At the start of Genesis 1 there is only God and by the end of Genesis 2…

Luke 19:1-10 – Seeking and Saving the Lost

Today we come to the end of our new year sermon series ‘Unprogrammed.’ Recall that during this series we’ve been aiming at the many habits, realities, disciplines, etc. at SonRise we expect from each other but do not program. We are largely an unprogrammed congregation that doesn’t seek to fill your schedules to the brim,…

1 Peter 1:13-16 – A Holy Life

We have spent the past three weeks focusing on the unprogrammed nature of the Church, hence the title of the short sermon series Unprogrammed. We’ve looked at the Bible, at prayer, and at the Church. Today we keep on by looking at the theme of holiness. Why? Because so much of holiness is unprogrammed in our…

Psalm 122:1 – The Dearest Place on Earth

Psalm 122:1, “I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” In context this verse is among the fourteen Psalms of Ascent, Psalm 120-134, which were a group of Psalms sung by Jews while traveling to Jerusalem to worship. For us in our context today these words…

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – A Life of Prayer

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. But we don’t program this kind of discipleship for you. And lastly, we expect our members to regularly engage the lost and share the gospel with…

Colossians 3:16 – Living Near the Word

Every year as Christmas ends and the new year begins we take time to remember, to remind, and to teach about the Church. About who the Church is, about how the Church is to live in the world, about what the Church believes, and about the God and Savior of the the Church who brought…

Ruth 4- From Emptiness to Fullness

All of the best stories are filled with unexpected adventures and surprises. I mean, who would have thought that Darth Vader is Luke’s father? And who would have imagined that the guy in sixth sense was dead the whole time? And who would’ve thought, surprise upon surprise, that Frodo would keep the ring after taking…

Ruth 3 – Hope in the Night

Aragorn looked at the pale stars, and at the moon, now sloping behind the western hills that enclosed the valley. 'This is a night as long as years', he said. 'How long will the day tarry?''Dawn is not far off', said Gamling, who had now climbed up beside him. 'But dawn will not help us,…

Ruth 2 – A Foreigner Finds Welcome

We left chapter 1 when Naomi’s life seemed to be pitch black. Famine in the land, a move to Moab, the death of her husband Elimelech, the death of her sons Mahlon and Chilion, Orpah returning home, Ruth clinging, and coming home to Bethlehem with no food, no shelter, no money, and no one to…

Ruth 1 – The Rough Road to the Messiah

Merry Christmas! Well as you can see it is now the season of advent, and for these four Sunday’s we’ll be walking through the book of Ruth…so if you have a Bible, go ahead and turn there. I love the book of Ruth, and I think it’s fitting for us to walk through for Advent…

Ephesians 4:11-16 (Francois Turcotte)

This week's message was presented by Francois Turret the general director and dean of SEMBEQ. We as a church have been supporting his ministry to the French speaking people of Canada along with their churches. We hope you will be encouraged by his charge to the church this week.

Genesis 9:1-17 – New World – New Covenant – New Adam

Good morning Church, as we continue on in our series through Genesis, I invite you to open your Bibles to Genesis 9, where we’ll be digging into v1-17. Since we’ll be beginning our Advent series in 2 weeks through the book of Ruth, and since next week we’ll be privileged to have one our missionaries…

Genesis 8: God Remembers US

This week were were blessed to have Pastor Brad Davis come and bring the Word. Pastor Brad and Julie served for 20 years, fresh out of seminary in their first church in Springfield, Ohio, raising their sons there, who graduated from nearby Cedarville University. After serving 6 years in New Orleans, both before and after…

Genesis 6:9-7:24 – The Days of Un-Creation

We have now arrived at the account of the flood in Genesis 6-7. And as we come here it ought to be said that there is widespread discomfort today surrounding the flood event. Inside the Church, this might surprise you or it might not, but given our modern view of fairness it is now common…

Genesis 6:1-8 – Confusingly Clear

Today we come to Genesis 6:1-8. Perhaps you already know this, but these eight verses can be the most confusing verses in Genesis, and their easily the most debated verses in Genesis. And yet, almost everyone agrees with the main gist put forward here in these eight verses. Think of a forest with many trees.…

Genesis 5 – The Seed of the Woman

A few years ago, before covid, a few of us got the chance to go to Belfast, Northern Ireland and visit our good friend and church planter David Varney. It was a good visit to say the least. Foundation Church Belfast welcomed us eagerly, showed us around the city happily, and fed us abundantly. Pastor…

Genesis 4 – East of the Garden

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. I. The First Family (1-16) A. The Hope of Eve Genesis 4:1–2 ESV Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying,…

Genesis 3:16-24 – The Fall, part 3

Once again Church it is a joy to be opening the Word of God with you and once again we find ourselves in Genesis 3. Recall the path we’ve traveled so far. We began Genesis 3 looking at v1-7 where we saw the why…why Adam and Eve sinned and why we sin. We then looked…

Genesis 3:8-15 – The Fall, part 2

If Genesis 1-3 were a play, there would be four scenes to the plot.[1] First, there is creation where God the great Artist creates everything from nothing. Second, there is jubilation where God meets Adam’s need of a helper by making Eve for him and the first family exists happy and content in the garden. Third, there is temptation where we see…

Genesis 3:1-7 – The Fall, part 1

Many years ago Holly and I had the privilege of visiting northern India and trekking around to various villages in the foothills of the Himalayas. One village stands out to me. It was about a 45 minute hike away from town and once we got there we visited a small Christian school a few folks…

Genesis 2:18-25 – The First Wedding

A little more than two years ago, right in the middle of covid craziness, joy upon joy, Holly and I welcomed a new baby girl into the world. The moment still seems so vivid to me. We did not find out the gender of this baby like we did the other two, and so as…

Genesis 2:4-17 – The Garden Temple

I’d like to begin with a question today. Which blade on these scissors is most necessary? On the surface it might seem like a foolish question because, of course, both blades are equally necessary for these scissors to succeed at the job they were made for. I ask that question in order to highlight an…

Genesis 2:1-3 – The Days of Creation, part 3

Today marks one month since the beginning of our new sermon series in the book of Genesis and it speaks to the glory of this book that we still find ourselves working our way through the creation week. What a God we’ve seen in this wondrous work of creation! So many realities and foundational truth…

Genesis 1:14-31 – The Days of Creation, part 2

We find ourselves, once again, in the creation week of Genesis 1. I mentioned two things last week that are worth repeating again today. First, just as there will be varying views on eschatology within the same congregation so too there will be varying views on the creation week within the same congregation. These things…

Genesis 1:3-13 – The Days of Creation, part 1

There are many ways we define what a Christian is. One way we could do it is to say a Christian is a person who believes certain things about God, about ourselves, and about the world around us. One example of these beliefs is the doctrine of eschatology, or, beliefs about how the world will…

Genesis 1:2-3 – After Darkness Light

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was ‘tohu vabohu’…” without form and void. During seminary one requirement placed on us as students is that we had to work in a church. God opened doors and I was able to be one of many interns at a church in downtown…

Genesis 1:1 – The God Who Is

“Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim et va’haeretz.” “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Ten words in English, seven in the original Hebrew form the first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1. But these words are more than just the first verse of the Bible aren’t they? They not only begin the…

Psalm 143 – Crushed Yet Confident

Fall is upon us, school for many is drawing near, and vacations are coming to an end. What does this mean? Another summer has come and gone. For us here at SonRise this means another summer in the Psalms has come and gone. Recall where we’ve been. We spent the previous 8 weeks looking at…

Psalm 115 – This Is Our God

Holly and I got engaged in February 2007. We desired to run to the altar, so we scheduled the wedding to be that upcoming September. Therefore, planning began immediately. And as things were coming along and we had put down details on paper…we slowly realized we’d have a lot of guests at our wedding who…

Psalm 63 – God You are My God

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. Nintendo Wii Winter 2006 Background: Ps 62 spoke of waiting on God, it reminded us that there is no lasting foundation in earthly things. ps 62:11-12…

Psalm 62 – My Soul Waits

We come now to Psalm 62 today. A Psalm whose main theme is something we simply hate doing. Waiting. I guess I should ask, does anyone like waiting? I thought so. Let’s ask a different question now, why do we so dislike waiting? Do we hate waiting because it simply annoys us and throws the…

Psalm 25 – The A-Z of the Soul

Having now finished our long study through Romans, summer is upon us! And just as we have spent many summers in the Psalms over the past years, we’ll do so again this year, looking at various Psalms for the next 9 weeks. Now, all of the Psalms are wonderful. All of them teach us much.…

Romans 16:25-27 – The Final Word

I have long wondered what I would say to you, Church, on the day we finish the greatest letter ever written, Paul’s letter to the Romans. Two years ago we stood before this letter, very eager to begin but a bit daunted, as 16 weighty chapters loomed over us, feeling as a “…mountain climber who,…

Romans 16:1-23 – People Matter

In his recent book Do You Believe? Paul Tripp says the following about God. “God’s glory is the greatness, beauty, and perfection of all that He is. In everything that He is, God is great beyond human description. Every attribute and action of God is completely beautiful in every way. God is totally perfect in all that…

Romans 15:22-33 – Kingdom Treasures

As we continue on tracking with Paul today, ending chapter 15 today, we’ll see not only more of his pastoral heart for these Romans, we’ll also see…guess what?! Paul’s travel plans! Don’t everyone stand up and start screaming amen at once. As mundane as this might appear to be at first, I’m hoping this text…

Romans 15:14-21 – The Heart of Paul

We have arrived at a bittersweet moment Church. It’s a bitter because the passage that we’ve now come to in Paul’s letter to the Romans is the beginning of the end. As he wrote a lengthy introduction in Romans 1, so now Paul brings Romans to an end with a lengthy conclusion. That we’ve come…

Romans 14:13-23 – The Weak & the Strong (Pt. 2)

A few weeks ago, we began looking into Romans 14. And we saw there that in the Church there are two kinds of Christians, the weak and the strong. This isn’t derogatory or condescending for Paul to say this or even make such a distinction. It’s an honest look at the family of God’s people.…

Ezekiel 37 – A Vision of Resurrection

“Death and darkness have now left packing, nothing to man is now lacking. Satan’s triumphs have ended, what Adam marred is now mended.”[1] The fall plunged man into death and pain, but now through Christ, life eternal, we gain! “Pluck the harp and sound the horn, do you not know, tis Easter morn! Crowded may His…

Romans 14:1-12 – The Weak & the Strong (Pt. 1)

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. In essentials unity, in Non-essentials liberty, in All things charity I. Welcomed: Romans 14:1–4 ESV As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him,…

Romans 13:8-14 – What Christians ‘Owe’ Society

On June 25, 1967 the Beatles sang “All You Need is Love” in front of a worldwide audience. This broadcast was, in fact, the first worldwide satellite broadcast. With a multitude of nations singing along and a lengthy list of celebrities joining in, John Lennon and the Beatles desired to spread a very specific message.…

Romans 13:1-7 – Submission to Authorities (Pt. 2)

This past Monday I had the pleasure of having one of my teeth pulled. It was a most enjoyable experience. I cheerfully sat down in the chair, they numbed me up, and gently pulled my tooth right out. Wrong. I had to have a tooth pulled due to a failed attempt at a root canal…

Romans 13:1-7 – Submission to Authorities (Pt. 1)

We have come to the thirteenth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans. It is an understatement to say this is a chapter that provokes a response from many. Due to its overtly political nature, some of you have long been anticipating our arrival at this chapter while others of you have long been dreading…

Romans 12:9-21 – Genuine Love

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. I. Towards those Within the Church (9-13) Romans 12:9–13 ESV Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one…

Romans 12:1-2 – Life and the Will of God

This morning now marks the fourth Sunday we have been walking through Romans 12:1-2. It really is one whole unit meant to be seen together, that serves as an introduction to chapters 12-16. So why have we taken four weeks to look at it? Well, I’m convinced that if we see the glory of these…

Romans 12:1-2 – Life Transformed

We have these past few weeks been lingering over Romans 12:1-2 together. This is the great turn in Paul’s letter to the Romans. We began just looking at the word “therefore” and saw the beauty of how Paul laid out his whole argument, going from doctrinal explanation in chapters 1-11 to practical application in chapters…

Romans 12:1-2 – Life as a Living Sacrifice

Fire has always intrigued me. I don’t know when fire began to be intriguing to me, it just always has. Maybe it was my older sister’s fault. I remember one time, I think it was Christmas Eve dinner, when my sisters and I were all very young, our mother got all the nice dishes out…

Romans 12:1-2 – Built on the Mercies of God

Having begun 2022 in a sermon series looking at the issues we’ve dealt with in the Church over this past pandemic season, we now return to our main sermon series, Paul’s letter to the Romans. If you’re new to SonRise Community Church this is by and large the pattern of our preaching. We have a…

Matthew 6:25-34 – Anxiety

Today we’re finishing our series ‘We’ve Got Issues.’ So far we’ve covered identity issues, relational issues, financial issues, and anger issues. Today we turn our attention to an issue, that I think is the most widespread issue of our time, both in and out of the Church. What is the issue? Anxiety. Is it wrong…

Matthew 5:21-26 – Anger

Today we’re continuing on in our series ‘We’ve Got Issues.’ So far we’ve covered identity issues, relational issues, and financial issues. Today we turn our attention to an issue, that I think is one of the biggest issues in the Church today. But ironically, while this issue is so widespread, I also think this issue…

Philippians 4:10-13 – Content in Christ

Well we’re now halfway through our new year sermon series on the Church, titled ‘We’ve Got Issues’, in which we’re examining what we think have been the biggest issues we here at SonRise and Christians in general have struggled with throughout the past few years. Today, we turn to relationships and the various issues we…

Galatians 2:17-3:9 – Identity Matters

*Below is Andrew's outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. Intro: Who are you? What defines you? If I asked you to describe yourself what are the first things that come to mind: Relationship status? Father/brother/wife/mother/son/daughter? Job? Political…

Acts 15:36-41 – We’ve Got Issues

Today we begin a new sermon series on the Church. We’ve done this many times over the years as Christmas has ended and the new year begins. We’ve looked at the God who creates and loves the Church, the people who makeup the Church, the doctrines we hold dear as the Church, and on and…

A2: On the Rise & Fall Of MH Podcast

Wrapping up 2021 the guys talk about one of the most popular podcast of the year: The Rise & Fall of Mars Hill. The address what they think are the main takeaways from this podcast and whether or not it is worth listening to at all.

Advent: Matthew 2:13-23 – The Slaughter of the Innocents

“Ever just the same, ever a surprise. Ever as before, and ever just as sure, as the sun will rise. Tale as old as time, tune as old as song. Bittersweet and strange, finding you can change, learning you were wrong. Certain as the sun, rising in the east. Tale as old as time, song…

Advent: Matthew 2:1-12 – The Visit of the Wise Men

When the Roman Empire was conquering and spreading throughout the known world, they sought to spread what they called the “Pax Romana” or the Peace of Rome. Everywhere they were victorious they brought their own culture and ideas of peace to the region with the aim that Rome would extend throughout the whole world. I…

Advent: Matthew 1:18-25 – The Genesis of Jesus Christ

Today Matthew 1:18-25 is before us. And unlike the other gospels, Matthew tells us of the birth of Christ as it’s experienced by Joseph. There are four headings today, see first… The Genesis (v18a) “Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way.” You might be wondering why I chose to title this…

Advent: Matthew 1:1-17 – The Genealogy of Jesus Christ

*Below is Andrew's outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. “Call Me Ishmael” (Moby Dick) “It was the best of times it was the worst of times....” (A Tale of Two Cities) 'It was a bright cold day…

Romans 11:33-36 – The Doxology

On the morning of May 29th, 1864 Charles Spurgeon began his sermon with the following words: “Such a tremendous weight of meaning is concentrated here, that an archangel’s eloquence would fail to convey its teaching in all its glory to any finite minds, even if seraphs were his hearers. I will affirm that there is…

Romans 11:25-32 – The Future of Israel (Pt. 3)

As I begin I’d like to mention one thing first. I want to say thank you. Thank you for being a church willing to take God’s Word as just that, God’s Word. These past months we’ve been slowly walking through Romans 9-11, and it’s true that this is not an easy section of Romans to…

Romans 11:11-24 – The Future of Israel (Pt. 2)

Last week we began Romans 11. And as we began I mentioned that of all the chapters in Romans, chapter 11 is by far the most difficult and perhaps even more controversial than chapter 9. This is the case because when we enter into chapter 11 we enter into the realm of eschatology, the study…

Romans 11:1-10 – The Future of Israel (Pt. 1)

In the study of systematic theology there are seven great doctrines or divisions to work through. It begins with the doctrine of God, where God’s existence, nature, being, and attributes are studied. Next is the doctrine of man, where we learn about ourselves; what we were made to be, what we were made to do,…

Romans 10:14-21 – Beauty & Blindness

Long ago, God spoke to Israel through the prophet Isaiah spoke when Israel was in trouble.[1] They were in trouble because the Egyptians and the Assyrians were oppressing them, this was the trouble outside and around them. But they were also in trouble because of what was going on within them. Idolatry was rampant among them.…

Romans 10:5-13 – Gospel Threads

It’s good to pause every now and then and explain why we do what we do in this thing we call the ‘sermon’ each week. During the preaching portion of our Sunday morning gathering we employ and enjoy a style of preaching called expositional preaching. Which means that the preacher doesn’t aim at saying anything new…

Romans 10:1-4 – Christ, the End of the Law

A few days ago I went to Publix on my way home from church to grab a few things. I’m not usually the one to do our grocery shopping and so I’m very unfamiliar with the layout of Publix and what is on what aisle. I am aware there are signs above each aisle to…

Romans 9:25-33 – Vessels of Mercy

*Below is Andrew's outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. D. A. Carson Sermon Library Chosen by God (Romans 8:28–30; 9:1–29)  Romans 9:1–29 is part of a sustained argument in Romans 9, 10, and 11 dealing with the…

Romans 9:19-24 – Celebrating Sovereignty

In these past weeks I’ve labored, as I’m able, to lead you through Romans 9. To do this I’ve enlisted help. We’ve already heard Martin Luther’s advice on Romans 9, that it’s strong wine and we should be aware of that. And we’ve already heard John Calvin’s advice on Romans 9, that we should embrace…

Romans 9:14-18 – A Defense of God

In our first week in Romans 9 I began with many cautions to be aware of. In our second week in Romans 9 I began with a quote from Martin Luther, that this chapter is strong wine and to be ready for that when we study it. Today, our third week in Romans 9, I’d…

Romans 9:6-13 – God’s Free Sovereign Pleasure

Church we find ourselves once again in Romans 9 this morning. We began it last week seeing the door through which we enter into these things is a broken and burdened heart for those who reject the gospel. In that humility we must proceed. Martin Luther once said the same thing as he gave counsel…

Romans 9:1-5 – A Grieved Heart

If you recall a year ago when we began the book of Romans I mentioned there are two places within this great letter where churches seem to lose people. The first is the end of chapter 1, where it not only states what sin is, but says God’s wrath is coming and will come onto…

Romans 8:31-39 – What Then Shall We Say?

These past weeks we’ve spent together in Romans 8 have been nothing short of wonderful. We’ve learned much, we’ve seen much, been reminded of much, and been deeply comforted with the great assurance that is ours in Christ! As we come now to the close of this, the greatest chapter in the Bible, I’m feeling…

Romans 8:29-30 – The Golden Chain

Last week we arrived at a passage many of us have been looking forward to, Romans 8:28. We lingered on it, and slowly turned like a gem to see it shine from many different angles. And we were encouraged to hear the great promise it contains. That God sovereignly and wisely rules over all things…

Romans 8:28 – A Great Promise

When I was a kid I did not enjoy going to the dentist. I don’t think I’m all that unique in this, it seems to be the experience of most young kids. There wasn’t anything really all that bad about the dentist or getting my teeth cleaned. It was just something I didn’t really find…

Romans 8:18-27 – Groaning for Glory

I know it’s been two months since we’ve been in Romans so allow me to briefly remind you where we left off. In Romans 8:1-17 Paul has been beautifully unfolding the great assurance we now enjoy in Christ. He begins this with the most famous verse in 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation for…

Psalm 139: Our Wonderful God

*Below is Pastor Andrew’s teaching outline from Sunday's sermon, not a word for word manuscript. This is meant as aid in seeing the thought and direction of the sermon. For the last three summers we have taken 8 weeks to dive into the psalms and be encouraged by the truth of who God is and…

Psalm 103: The Greatness of God

This week Joel Quiles, one of our church Elders, brought us the truth of God's Word from Psalm103 reflecting on the goodness of God. We hope these truths will be an encouragement to you and where need a strong goad as you reflect on God's glory and majesty this week.